Liebert RDU-M
Manage critical equipment activity involving data center power and thermal management at multiple sites and site monitoring around the clock. Emerson Network Power provides 24x7 data center infrastructure management and network monitoring software, hardware, systems and services to provide continuous oversight and security of data centers, computer rooms and network closets, as well as applications for different market verticals.
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- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Education
- Government
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Retail and Wholesale
Liebert RDU-M
Manage critical equipment activity involving data center power and thermal management at multiple sites and site monitoring around the clock. Emerson Network Power provides 24x7 data center infrastructure management and network monitoring software, hardware, systems and services to provide continuous oversight and security of data centers, computer rooms and network closets, as well as applications for different market verticals.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Education
- Government
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Retail and Wholesale
*모델별 다운로드를 보려면 위 사양 차트에서 모델명을 선택하여 모델별 제품 페이지로 가야 합니다.