Liebert NXL 300-800kVA
The industry’s most reliable power protection and advanced technology has been combined into a new generation of threephase UPS systems for high power applications – the Liebert NXL from Emerson Network Power. The Liebert NXL provides excellent dynamic performance, with the ability to handle virtually any input condition while still providing computer grade output to critical loads.
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Liebert NXL 300-800kVA
The industry’s most reliable power protection and advanced technology has been combined into a new generation of threephase UPS systems for high power applications – the Liebert NXL from Emerson Network Power. The Liebert NXL provides excellent dynamic performance, with the ability to handle virtually any input condition while still providing computer grade output to critical loads.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Education
- Healthcare
- Government
- Retail and Wholesale
- Telecom
Liebert NXL is designed for flexibility in application:
easy configuration
High Availability
Availability is a primary consideration in any UPS selection.
Liebert NXL is inherently reliable:
- no potentiometers
maximum availability
handling capability increasing availability
power factor loads
reduce risk of human error
Lowest Total Cost of Ownership
Liebert NXL addresses ownership costs with intelligent design
and operating efficiency:
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