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Molti clienti si affidano ai reseller che sono partner di Vertiv per l’acquisto di prodotti ideali per le loro applicazioni IT. Affidati alle elevate competenze dei nostri partner che, grazie ai prodotti Vertiv, sono in grado di offrire soluzioni complete per infrastrutture e applicazioni IT: dalle specifiche alla vendita all’assistenza.

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Annual Channel Summit & Awards Keynote Session: "A Winning Formula with Edge Solutions"

You can now watch the Annual Channel Summit & Awards “Keep IT Running” on-demand. Whether you're a brand new Vertiv reseller or an established distribution partner, this is for you. Discover how we assist our partners in selling our solutions and keep up-to-date, on the latest channel industry trends.

"Companies’ growing demand for data and IT infrastructure is fuelling demand for Edge technologies" said Murray Irvine, Senior Director Data Centre Compute and Solutions Sales, MERAT of Dell Technologies.

"When using Edge technologies, customers face three main challenges – scale, speed and complexity. Vertiv, with its technological breadth, geographic coverage and manufacturing footprint, can reduce the complexity of rolling out the Edge across thousands of sites", said Birgit Jackson, Direct or Integrated Racks & IT Solutions, EMEA from Vertiv.

We hope you’ll enjoy this keynote session and come away with lots of new ideas and inspiration, to “Keep IT Running” for 2022 and beyond.

We look forward to seeing you next time!



Thank you for your interest in watching the 2021 Annual Channel Summit & Awards. Simply complete the form below, to gain access to the on-demand content.


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