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Ulteriori informazioni

Molti clienti si affidano ai reseller che sono partner di Vertiv per l’acquisto di prodotti ideali per le loro applicazioni IT. Affidati alle elevate competenze dei nostri partner che, grazie ai prodotti Vertiv, sono in grado di offrire soluzioni complete per infrastrutture e applicazioni IT: dalle specifiche alla vendita all’assistenza.

Trova un reseller

Sai già di cosa hai bisogno? Vorresti la comodità dell’acquisto e della spedizione online? Alcune categorie di prodotti Vertiv si possono acquistare tramite un reseller online.

Trova un reseller

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Welcome to the Middle East & Africa Homepage


Middle East & Africa

This site was created to let you know a little more about this region in terms of coverage, contacts and how to access the Vertiv tools created exclusively for you.

We always work closely with our customers to develop customized solutions meeting their unique needs and optimizing performance. This collaboration is supported by our strong distributors network, who have been carefully selected for their complementary product and service offerings simplifying the way a customer does business by working with a single vendor.

Middle East & Levant North West Africa South East Africa

Meet the Executives

Pierre Havenga

Managing Director, Middle East & Africa

Canan Karamanli

Director, Finance, Middle East & Africa

Tassos Peppas

Regional Director, Middle East & Levant

Wojtek Piorko

Regional Director, South East Africa

Anas Kabbaj

Regional Director, North West Africa

Nassif Yazbeck

Manager Channel, Middle East & Africa

Zenab Abbas

Manager Marketing, Middle East & Africa

Krystyna Litwa

Manager, Human Resources, Middle East & Africa


Contact Middle East & Africa HQ

801 One JLT, Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai, PO Box 337122 United Arab Emirates

Telephone: +971 4 510 4200

Email: mea.hello@vertiv.com

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