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Il leader dell’elettronica di consumo garantisce l’affidabilità dei data center a elevata criticità senza generatori di emergenza

giugno 22, 2022


The electronics and computing industries are today’s leaders in enabling digitization of both society and the global economy. The technologies and products developed and manufactured within these two sectors radically alter how data is being captured, distributed and consumed. Fortunately, one of the leading manufacturers in this sector has embraced the mission of modernizing internal operations while promoting high levels of both sustainability and circularity.


  • Zero downtime since the solution was installed
  • Easy access to dashboards that reveal power system performance in granular detail
  • Self-healing data center power distribution network
  • Reduced energy consumption and low carbon emissions


Case Summary

Tjele, Denmark

Critical Need:

Ensure the internet applications from this tech company stay up and running in an environment with no backup generators

Vertiv Solution:
  • Power distribution and control system (PDCS)
  • Electrical power management system (EPMS)
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