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Forsythe Data Centers Achieves Efficiency and Flexibility With Vertiv Solutions

juillet 02, 2017


When Forsythe Data Centers built its 30MW facility in Oak Grove, IL, it needed a power and cooling infrastructure that would provide protection and efficiency while supporting a highly configurable environment for customers. It chose Vertiv cooling systems and power systems, including Lithium-Ion UPS battery technology, to create a robust and scalable Tier III Uptime Certified data center.


  • Scalable power and cooling systems to support private customer suites from 300 to 4,000 square feet of contiguous space and 50kw to 1.5MW of power.
  • PUEs as low as 1.27
  • LEED Gold Certification for energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact
Case Summary
Location:​ Sydney, Australia
Vertiv Services:
  • Liebert NX UPS 300kVA/kW for IT suite power blocks
  • Liebert NX UPS 500kVA/kW cabinet room
  • Lithium-Ion and VRLA battery plants
  • Liebert PPC and RX PDUs
  • Alber Battery Monitoring   (used on the VRLA bus)
Download the Case Study

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