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Liebert DCL - Modular Rack Cooling up to 35 kW

The Liebert DCL is the Thermal Management unit for lateral attachment to server cabinets offering a wide range of features designed specifically for data center applications. The unit is available in two different architectures, closed or hybrid loop, and in multiple combinations of up to four server racks to match any customer needs.

Obtener el folleto


 Closed Loop and Hybrid Loop design
 Different size, Height and Depth, to answer to the different 42 U or 47 U
 Numerous combinations of Racks and Cooling Modules, up to 4 racks per 1 cooling unit (2 on each side)
 3-way modulating valve field adjustable to 2-way
 Variable speed EC fans to modulate airflow.
 Temperature and Valve Control logic driven based on Sensors selection.
 Remote Rack temperature sensors with 2 probes
 Caster mounted for easy placement.
 Multiple units communicate with each other to improve system performance and reduce energy consumption. 
 The iCOM large graphic display allows easy navigation and clear data display.
 Self-adapts to changing conditions to provide 24/7 precision environmental control
 Liebert iCOM control to provide: “Fail Safe” control logic (to maximize fan speed and water flow in case of controller failure), rack’s doors status monitoring and automatic doors releasing
 Dual Power Supply option
 Dual coil version
 Remote monitoring through IS-Unity Card (SNMP V3 / https protocols) 
Lowest Total Cost of Ownership
 Designed for higher return air temperature to maximize cooling capacity.
 Only front and back access required, resulting in minimized installation and service time.
 Variable speed EC fans operate efficiently to reduce energy consumption.
Ideally Suited For
 Small to medium-sized data centers.
 Raised and non-raised floors.
 Rooms with a low ceiling where air cannot be ducted.
 Complete solution for small IT room  


 Rack’s doors: Status monitoring and Automatic releasing
 “Fail Safe” control logic (to maximize fan speed and water flow in case of controller failure)
 3-way modulating valve field adjustable to 2-way
 Dual coil version
 Variable speed EC Fans for automatic airflow modulation according to server needs
 Overpressure dampers to avoid air bypass through inactive unit
 Top and/or Bottom Connections for all media
 Dual Power supply option available
 Efficient operation with the iCOMTM control   

* Para ver descargas específicas de modelos, debe ir a la página de producto específica del modelo al seleccionar el nombre del modelo en el gráfico de especificaciones arriba.

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