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UPS Capacitors & Fans Replacement Service

Vertiv offers a proactive replacement of capacitor and fan components to ensure the UPS life extension and to protect your business critical systems.

Broschüre anfordern


Ensure uptime and reliability of your critical system avoiding the risk that a single component failure makes void power protection
Extend UPS unit lifetime ensuring that all components with an end of life are promptly replaced before causing inefficient operations or any damage to the equipment
Accurate long-term budget allocation for maintenance programs
Maximise system’s efficiency granting unchanged components performance
Ensure safety for your system environment


Vertiv’s program for capacitors & fans replacement is based on years of field data analysis and experience, thus representing the best method to achieve the highest reliability of your business-critical systems.
Vertiv’s certified Customer Engineers perform on-site components analysis in order to verify their health status. Gathering data on electrical and environmental conditions, and combining them with expected components lifetime, allows to design a tailored maintenance schedule
Our approach to safely scheduling capacitor replacement consists of replacing the bank of AC and DC capacitors before they age to the point where there is a significant probability of a capacitor short circuit
Considering a proactive lifecycle management for UPS, fan replacement must be included as these components are subject to an aging process. The expected life of a fan depends on manufacturer specification, environmental conditions and specific UPS application

Ansprechpartner in Ihrer Nähe finden

Ansprechpartner Produktsupport

Ansprechpartner anzeigen für Ohio, 43215, USA Änderung
Chloride Industrial UPS Services
+1 800 442 7489
Service-Schwerpunkte: Services zur Leistungsoptimierung, Vorbeugende Wartung für industrielle Anwendungen
Emergency Response for Services
+1 800 543 2378
Service-Schwerpunkte: Projektservices, Services zur Leistungsoptimierung
Geist Support - Americas (Rack PDU and Watchdog)
+1 888 630 4445
1777 Yolande Avenue Lincoln Nebraska USA
Service-Schwerpunkte: Projektservices, Services zur Leistungsoptimierung, Notruf, Vorbeugende Wartung, Vorbeugende Wartung für industrielle Anwendungen, Ferndienste, Ersatzteile und Ersatzteilverwaltung

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