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Your Data Centre Requires Special Knowledge in Thermal/Cooling Management

There’s a vast difference in the expertise necessary to address the comfort cooling needs of a commercial building and the Thermal/Cooling Management needs of your sensitive and sophisticated Data Centre. An incorrect repair procedure or the use of non-genuine parts, can have a profound effect on your equipment’s performance, your data centre’s availability, and your energy costs. The factory-trained and certified technicians of Vertiv™ know the difference. We are equipped to maximise the performance and efficiency of your Thermal/Cooling Management system as no one else can.

Service and Capabilities

Our Thermal/Cooling Services Offerings

Maximise the performance of your new Thermal/Cooling equipment with Vertiv warranty inspection services

Warranty inspection services ensure that your Vertiv Thermal/Cooling equipment operates as intended. We provide complete inspection services for the maximum performance, availability, and efficiency of your precision cooling system.

Ensure peak performance of your Thermal/Cooling Management systems with Vertiv preventative maintenance services

Preventative maintenance of your precision cooling equipment is essential to ensure the long-term reliability and performance.  Choose from one of our comprehensive service plans designed to provide multiple levels of service depending on your requirements. Whether you need 8x5 or 24x7 coverage, parts, labour, or emergency services, our service plans provide the protection you need for your critical data centre operations. Performed by Vertiv factory-trained technicians, our services meet the stringent requirements of your Thermal/Cooling Management equipment and ensure peak performance year round.

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Optimise your system configuration for improved efficiencies

Thermal/Cooling optimisation services helps you meet the changing demands within your data centre including the need for increased capacity, improved efficiencies, and better system integration. We'll work with you to determine the appropriate controls, customise set points, and ensure your configuration gives you the control you need for proper management of your Thermal/Cooling assets.

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Improve system reliability and efficiency with Vertiv Thermal/Cooling upgrades

Extend the life of your precision cooling equipment and deliver improved reliability and efficiency, while lowering your overall operating costs. Upgrades to EC Fans and Liebert iCOM controls can increase your energy efficiency by as much as 50 percent. These technologies are installed by our factory-trained technicians with little or no disruption to data centre operations.

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24x7 Protection for your business-critical network

Vertiv Thermal/Cooling Remote Monitoring services ensures that your business-critical network is protected 24x7. With early detection of temperature increases, as well as other anomalies, small problems won’t become big ones. Our ability to poll your equipment’s operational data at regular intervals provides unsurpassed predictive maintenance capabilities to ensure continuous operation.

On call 24x7 to respond when and where you need us

Emergency Response of the highest caliber is crucial. You need someone with a thorough understanding of the critical nature of your data centre space and all its unique requirements. You also need someone who can respond quickly with the right tools and expertise to solve your problems. From initial inspection to equipment repair, upgrade and replacement, Vertiv Services ensures a quick, safe, and reliable return to operation.

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Warum Vertiv?

Vertivs fundiertes Fachwissen im Infrastrukturbereich wird durch unsere Datennutzung und unsere umfassenden Serviceleistungen noch verstärkt. So erhalten unsere Kunden Einblicke in Technologie- und Betriebstrends und die Gewissheit, dass sie Risiken effektiv managen, Kosten senken, die Auslastung erhöhen und bessere Entscheidungen treffen können.

Industry and technology insight Image
Industry and technology insight

Die Serviceleistungen von Vertiv basieren auf einem umfassenden Branchen- und Infrastruktur-Know-how, das durch jahrelange Leistungsdaten der Geräte ergänzt wird. Diese Kombination liefert Einblicke in Betriebstrends und ermöglicht ein effektives Risikomanagement und eine Optimierung der Geräte.

A flexible and scalable partner Image
A flexible and scalable partner

Vertiv arbeitet mit Betreibern kritischer Anlagen zusammen, um innovative Serviceprogramme zu entwickeln, die den Zielen und Budgets entsprechen. Wir bieten skalierbare Lösungen für alle Herausforderungen im Bereich kritischer Infrastrukturen, von der Verwaltung einer kompletten Anlage bis zur Wartung von Geräten an kleinen, abgelegenen Standorten.

Global reach, local support Image
Global reach, local support

Als wahrhaft globales Unternehmen bieten wir konsistente Serviceleistungen für kritische Einrichtungen in allen Regionen der Welt, die von sachkundigen, lokalen Spezialisten erbracht werden. Wir bieten vollen Support für Ihre kritische Infrastruktur, wann und wo Sie uns brauchen.


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